Pregnancy and chiropractic
Prior to falling pregnant it's important to have medical, dental and chiropractic check-ups. Chiropractic is a drug-free, natural form of treatment with no side-effects. It is safe for both mother and baby.
1. Pre-conception check-up
- Spinal misalignments (subluxations) that may end up causing discomfort during pregnancy should be dealt with as early as possible - preferably prior to falling pregnant.
- Posture should be assessed and advice given to help prevent potential problems during pregnancy.
- This is the time to discuss how chiropractic can help you during and after pregnancy.
2. Prenatal care throughout pregnancy
Early pregnancy
- Pregnancy hormones may cause morning sickness symptoms such as nausea and changes to your sense of taste. Occasionally, minor physical aches can be aggravated by hormonal changes.
- Many pregnant women look for drug-free solutions to pain and discomfort. Chiropractic can often relieve morning sickness through upper cervical spine (upper neck) treatment.
- Even very slight misalignments in the upper neck may be irritating you more now that you're pregnant, so having them corrected will be beneficial and there are no side-effects with this relaxing treatment.
Later stages of pregnancy
- Morning sickness has usually gone after the first trimester but mechanical (physical) changes to the body can be the source of pain and discomfort now.
- Extra abdominal weight can cause lower back pain.
- Pre-birth hormones relax and weaken ligaments in the entire body, and this can to pain.
- Chiropractic management can help with these mechanical changes.
- After 28 weeks you can no longer take ibuprofen (eg. Neurofen) because it may reduce the amount of fluid in the amniotic sac around the baby. Your GP can advise you about this. It's preferable to relieve pain through natural means such as chiropractic.
- Chiropractic massage, gentle adjustment and postural advice can make you feel much better and more energetic.
3. Postnatal Chiropractic Care
Why you need it
- Pelvic bones which have separated during the birth may need realignment. The sooner this is attended to, the better.
- Neck and upper back pain due to looking down at the baby during breastfeeding is common. Chiropractic can make a huge difference with this problem.
- Headaches can be very common after childbirth. Please do not assume that they are due to exhaustion when there may just be a simple physical cause that can be easily treated with chiropractic.