Macquarie Centre Chiropractor: Dr. Sharon Wardle
Conveniently located inside Fitness First, level 4 (Loft)
Dr. Sharon Wardle Chiropractor is located inside Fitness First Macquarie. Please feel free to get in touch to make an appointment for treatment.
Do you need more information before booking an appointment ?
If you're not sure what chiropractic can do for you, please get in touch regarding an obligation-free consultation. This can be done over the phone or you can come into the clinic. There is no charge for this service.
Flexible appointment times:
After hours appointments are available for those who cannot attend during business hours.
When you arrive:
Please scan the QR code at the entrance to Fitness First. Reception staff will direct you to the treatment room which is located at the rear of the gym near the Group Exercise studio.
Your first three hours of parking are free at Macquarie Centre so there's plenty of time for treatment, followed by coffee and shopping.
Try the gym for free:
All chiropractic patients who are not already gym members are offered a free one week membership which involves no cost and no ongoing commitment.
Bulk - billed X-rays:
If X-rays are required, Dr. Wardle can refer you to a practice on level 2 of the Macquarie Centre.
Medicare cover for chronic conditions:
Do you have a condition that's lasted longer than six months? Do you have a Medicare card ? If the answer is yes to these questions then you may be eligible for up to $250.00 worth of cover for your chiropractic treatment. Please get in touch if you're interested in learning more about this.
Are you looking for a new GP or specialist ?
Dr. Sharon Wardle can recommend local health professionals.
Further information:
Please do not hesitate to call or text 02 9878 5855 or 0400 414 452 or use the contact button below.
Good posture from the ground up
Chiropractors have always known poor posture depletes energy levels. But these days more attention is being paid to examining the way patients walk. This is the science of gait analysis.
What starts out as a foot issue such as collapsed arches can have an effect on other parts of the body. Knee, hip and spinal problems often occur. These of course need to be corrected by a chiropractor so that balance can be restored. However, the corrections made to these areas will not last very long if gait problems are not addressed.
Chiropractors can sometimes offer advice regarding gait problems but often work with a podiatrist as well. Occasionally gait can be assisted by a change as simple as wearing more supportive shoes or lower heels.